Older and Wiser
Retirees are an untapped resource. If you can attract them to volunteer positions, it will benefit your schools and provide them meaning and connection.
Retirees are an untapped resource. If you can attract them to volunteer positions, it will benefit your schools and provide them meaning and connection.
How passing a school bond has changed over the past decade
Identifying and supporting advocates during your bond campaign
Whether your referendum passed or failed, now is the time to take action.
Stories of Successful School Tax Elections
When it comes to online school bond campaigns, you need to reach as much of your community as possible—and tell a good story.
Dale Scott teaches the importance of strategizing, preparing and campaigning for a bond easily can fall to the wayside.
How GFW Schools in Minnesota regained community trust—and how you can do the same.
Your facilities are funded by taxpayer dollars—so how can you show your community where their money is going?
Lessons from over 50 districts on the path to bond success
A leading expert on school bond campaigns shares what he has learned
An assortment of bite-sized ideas for your next campaign.
How Vancouver Public Schools earned long-term community confidence—and leveraged it to win big with their bond
This former superintendent shares insights from decades of experience both leading and consulting school referendum campaigns.
Gaining Momentum · Practicing Year-Round Transparency · Utilizing Community Leaders
Building Trust · Learning Community Needs · Leveraging Community Infrastructure · Encouraging Student Advocacy
Recruiting the Team · Differentiating Messaging · Varying Communication Channels
Listening Equitably · Engaging Minority Families
Building Support · Staying Organized · Communicating After the Vote
Activating Recent Voters · Meeting Face-to-Face · Speaking to Needs · Maintaining Relationships
Learning from Failure · Involving the Community · Branding the District · Leveraging Advocates · Personalizing Communications · Engaging the Media